Tuesday, April 30, 2013

To the writers of Call the Midwife

Context - Call the Midwife is a show on BBC and PBS that I watch, but I think they crossed a line with their latest episode. Basically they tried to equate birth control with abortion and call the latter fine as long as you do it with clean instruments. Morality was not brought into the picture, though some characters were mildly concerned about breaking the law, these fears were overlooked and everything turned out peachy keen in the end. Here is my letter to the writers:

To the writers of Call the Midwife,

I’m writing to express my concerns over episode #2.5 of your show, in which Nora Harding aborts her 17 week old fetus. This episode came to America in unfortunate timing, considering the recent discovery of the doctor found snipping the necks of live-born aborted infants.

Bad timing aside, abortion is a highly sensitive topic, and I believe it was mishandled in this show. First, I believe it was mishandled in considering your audience. I assume that your demographic of viewers who are mothers is high, and miscarriage is common, so viewers might be disturbed by the topic. Those who have had abortions might also find the handling of the topic distasteful, based on the brutal portrayal of the abortion. In a similar context, if I were an amputee, I still wouldn’t want to view a portrayal of a medieval amputation.

The episode seems mismatched to the series, which emphasizes the wonders of medicine and how it is able to save the lives of mothers and babies. In this episode, Sister Monica Joan considers that perhaps babies are only precious based on their desirability. At that point, why is this show about bringing life and medicine to the poor and “undesirable”? Are you devaluing the actions of the midwives and nuns?

This episode confused me. If your position were anti-abortion, it didn’t make sense to have Mrs. Harding strolling in a field at the end with the children she decided not to kill. If your position were pro-abortion, Mrs. Harding was a violent, selfish woman, who didn’t seem to value her other children, which makes her a bad medium for your message.
I enjoy Call the Midwife and find it interesting how the show addresses difficult topics. However, in this situation, I believe the topic was mishandled. In the future I would appreciate seeing delicate topics like this handled with greater care, or avoided altogether.

Yours respectfully,
Reesa Calpouzos

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